Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Marys Peak in January

Who would believe the East Ridge Trail to the top of Marys Peak is dry and warm this time of year. Here it is the end of January and the snow is gone. The Rattlesnake Orchids and White-lined Wintergreen are sprouting out fresh leaves. The Evergreen Huckleberries on top of the stumps look like they are ready to blossom.
Once you are above the valley fog on the East Ridge Trail you can see all the way to the 3 Sisters and Mount Jefferson. 
When the weather is like this in winter I am wondering if it is a sign of a warmer planet.  No way for me to know, but the Jazz loved the trail, and she is not covered with mud like she is from a run at the river.


  1. Thanks Lon,
    The blog was great, you have done a good job learning how to do this. I think it will work well for you in Africa, and we are all looking forward to your blogs and pictures.

  2. Thanks for allowing us to share in your travel experiences and see vicariously how you experience what you see and learn on your adventures, be they local or exotic! I shall be looking forward to as many volumes as you have time to write! Laurel

  3. Where in the world are you today? And do you have an internet connection?
