After dinner on day two the guides and Mokoro pilots put on a dance and sing for us. All the folks in the Gap group reciprocated with a songs and dances of our own. My additional part was this poem I had written in the afternoon for the women pilots of the Mokoros.

This Kaylee my Mokoro woman.
Mokoro Woman
Mokoro woman wielding her log pole.
She reaches and pusher
Gliding through the reeds
Foopah swish, foopah swish, foohpah swish.
Mokoro woman standing tall
Floating with the morning light.
The path ever in her memory
Okavango ever changing.
Mokoro woman free at last.
Free from cook fires,
Free from water jugs,
Free from loads of wood
Mokoro woman proud and strong
Calm in her knowledge
Resilient in her skill
Sure of her way
Mokoro woman free at last