Yesterday ended quite nicely with a exquisit dinner at the corner Italian restaurant. There is great food in San Jose, but ou do have to look for it.
When we retrned from Cartago yesterday afternoon Ellen discovered that shee had misplaced her special camera. Yikes, sshe was ready to cry; wee were standing front of the statue of John Lennon in the middle of China Town while walking back to the hootel from the Lumanca bustation. She searched everywhere. Alas, no camera and she was so upset no photo with my camera of her and john. When we returned to the hotel we went to the desk and Ellen pulled a reciept from her purse for the last place she remembered having her camera. It had a phone number but when the hteel desk called not answer so they left a message. Then Ellen remembered seeing her camera later when she gave a few colones to an indian woman and her child. So she had her camera when we went to lunch later in thee day. I looked in the Rough Guide book and ssure enough for some reason I had used the luch reciept for a bookmark. The reciept had a phone nuumber so we tried that one and, Yes they had found Ellen's pouch and camera!! So she is already to run back to the bus station and do the round trip again because it is not far and the buses go every 10 minutes. "No," says JEsica behind the desk, "I live in Cartago, and I will return here tomorrow morning at 6 AM before so leave."
Wala, this morning Jesica has her usual bright smile, "I have youyr cameera!"
So, we're off this morning with the world good and Ellen will not need to paint and draw her memories which may be a not so good thing.
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