Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baboons and Hyenas

Hyenas and baboons for many reasons are the most disliked mammals in Southern and Eastern Africa. The baboons were sitting waiting for any chance to get into vehicles at the Cape in South Africa. The critters have a reputation for stealing food and other fun things at any opportunity. We of course have given them these opportunities.

The hyenas are thought to be extremely sneaky. Ernest Hemingway says of them in "Green Hills of Africa" that they will bite your face off if given half a chance. It is also true that hyenas along with Cheetahs, Wild Dogs, and Leopards a make many of their own kills only to lose them to that supreme scavenger the Lion.

My impressions were entirely different. I observed several generations of hyenas playing together with abandon. These guys have incredibly powerful jaws capable of crushing most bones.

A large troop of baboons crossed the road in front of us with the guidance and watchful eye of the boss male baboon. Every youngster, every female with a baby crossed the road before he did. This is a very well organized community.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your stories, Lon. Thanks for sending them along.
