Saturday, October 12, 2013

Borobudur Place of Mystery

A small mountain arises in a valley surrounded by mountains and rivers and volcanos. This mountain is different only in symmetry. It is four sided with nine levels representing the cosmos.

This is our guide Sandy. He is from Bali but has worked all over Indonesia from Aceh, Sumatra to Flores Island on different relief projects. His knowledge of the cultures here on Java and Bali are quite remarkable.

The stair way to the first level of Borobudur.. That's me on the right wearing my sarong.

The head of a protector dragon.

Two friezes showing on the left the problems of too many children and on the right the blessing of few children. These bas reliefs were carved in the 900s.

Within two miles of Borobudur we passed a huge lava flow from a volcanic eruption in 2011. 460 people died from the lava flows of this eruption.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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