Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kota the Center

I am starving after a morning of walking the harbor. It must be 9 pm at home, and I haven't had a taste since breakfast at the hotel so we head across the old city square to Cafe Batavia for lunch. Before wee have crossed halfway we are stopped by this happy handsome young man selling packs of bamboo note cards for 50,000 rupia about $5.

As you can see he made a sale in Dutch while telling us the history of every building surrounding the square.
Okay off to that build behind Ellen in the photo, the Cafe Batavia, but, no it is Saturday and these groups of high school students are prowling the square looking for victims to help with their English home work.

This group from West Jakarta High School intervviewed me and I promised to blog their photo.

After lunch we head out for the Wayang (puppet theater) Museum. In front of the museum there is this rack of brightly painted bicycles for rent with matching straw hats for the peddler and hard hats for the rider.

Inside the museum we find these fantastic puppets. Shadow puppets, colonial puppets, largger than life puppets greet us in every room andd stairway.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds like you are having a good time. Keep posting.
