Monday, October 7, 2013

Wedding in the Kampung

What a fun end to our 2nd day in Jakarta. We wandered the streets, actually very small alleys, visiting with people in a Kampung in the Cikini District, pronounced Chikini. This is the area of Jakarta where President Obama lived. When we stumbled on this large party with live music. we were not sure what it was all about but the people invited us in and asked us to dance with them.

Then this woman came up to us and invited us intoo here home where her daughter was just married. The family asked us to bless the marriage and to have a photo with the bride and groom. They were so beautiful it brought tears to our eyes.

Then the family and the crowd of about 200 asked us to join them in dinner to keep on celebrating the wedding. See the next blog for more photos. This is what makes me so excited about traveling and meeting wonderful new people.
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